exploring the stories
of our shared night sky
Cosmic Journey provides a number of services to assist you and your stakeholders to connect with and appreciate the sky above.
The Consult
Let's have a conversation about what brought you here and what you may need to help design and deliver the outreach or experience you seek. Consults are always no charge and we can build you a quote, scope of work, and timelines for services you want from that.
Education Services
Let's talk about doing some outreach to your stakeholder group. We can talk about community branding or host a session about light pollution abatement.
Or if you have team that you want to educate on the value of astrotourism and light pollution abatement? Let's workshop it or provide us a soapbox.
Let's get lights down and stars up!
Do you want to go for a dark sky designation for your community, park space or tourism site? Cosmic Journey can assess and work with your organization to get an application completed and submitted.
The sparkle layer!
Are you wanting to add in astrotourism elements such as special events or theme packages to your existing tourism business offering? Let's build that in to what you have to offer.
Are you looking to start up a full astrotourism business? We can help with that too!